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The Olivine Pools

Nestled along the cliffside of the northwestern side of Maui, the Olivine Pools are a breath-taking spot. Should you decide to travel just north of Kapalua, be sure to a first-aid kit, towels, and your camera.

Also, this was the first time I'd taken this camera somewhere on a travel. I'd been desiring a full-crop sensor camera for years! And finally got to take this camera with me. I'll do a write-up on eBay cameras later, but I was so satisfied with the camera on the trip, and now seeing this shot, I love this camera.

I admittedly ran off the risky ledge far to the left of the entry point to get this, but I wanted to be a bit removed to show a side view of the pools. They truly are hidden from view—even here, it's easy to tuck the mountain in the back into the mid-ground.

Humans for scale. This whole area is awfully confusing to see on a camera having seen it live.

Taken by my travel partner and dear friend, Zoë. Swim suit is Tory Burch.

The waters in this little "bay" area were incredibly choppy. I was shocked at the consistent churning of water and tall swells—no doubt, these were deadly waters.

My friend and I got to the "trailhead" by an alternative route from the parking lot, but this was waiting for us as we made our way down the rocky "cliff" path to the pools. We'd read a lot about not turning your back on the water because the swells were unpredictable.


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